***MIDI Version***
This was written with "Personal Composer" and rendered on a Roland LAPC-1 Sound Card.
(6:56). This is an original composition for Flute Quartet that I wrote in 1990. This piece was originally
composed and sequenced as a MIDI composition with "Personal Composer" by Jim Miller
utilizing a Roland LAPC-1 Sound Card.
This piece is in 3 movements : Prelude, Passages and Legacy. It has never been performed, and this MIDI
recording is the only one available. There are no slurs or legato audible in this recording, although they
are present in the score. At the time this was recorded, the software used to compose and render it to the Sound Card
was capable of rendering only the notes themselves and changes in volume. You, the listener, will have to
use your own musical imagination to hear anything more. Be assured, this piece is not all staccato as it sounds!!
As soon as a performance of this Sonatina occurs, I will be sure to record it and place the live performance
recording here for you to listen to.
The reason for my naming this Quartet "Breathless" remains my secret. If you can discern the reason
why, please email me, and I will let you know if you are correct!
I dedicate this composition to Peter Ré.
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