Pandora Suite - 28K

(5:00). This is an original composition created by Joe Caterinicchio and myself (Jim Signorile) in the Spring of 1991 while we were both employees of Dubner Computer Systems, Inc. (Paramus, NJ). It was created on a Roland U-220 Sound Module using Master Tracks Pro MIDI sequencing software by Passport Designs, Inc. and a Oberheim Xk MIDI keyboard.

The original project this music was intended for was named Pandora, and it was to be a multimedia authoring product, of which this music was to be the first demonstration. The concept was that visually there would be a montage of flags and picture of various countries, and this music (The Pandora Suite) would be a synchronized soundtrack of International Themes that would match the country currently being viewed. The multimedia software we were creating, using ToolBook by Asymetrix Corporation, would synchronize the visual and musical events. The project, unfortunately, was short-lived, but this music came out of it and survived, and for that, I am grateful!

Joe and I worked wonderfully as a musical team, and we split up the task of composing original themes that would have the feel and flavor of the country we were representing. All the themes in The Pandora Suite are original, with the exception of the last two (The United States and The European Anthem), which are variations, respectively, on "The Star Spangled Banner" and "The Ode to Joy" theme from the 4th movement of the "Symphony #9 in D Minor. Op. 125" by Ludwig Van Beethoven (who is my musical hero). It should be noted that the United States theme was being arranged at the end of the Gulf War (Operation Desert Storm), just as the first soldiers were returning from the Middle East. The emotion you may feel in that piece reflects the high level of patriotism and emotion that was present in those days.

The Countries represented and composer/arranger of each theme for that country are as follows :

1) Pandora Theme - J. Signorile
2) France - J. Caterinicchio
3) England - J. Signorile
4) Spain - J. Caterinicchio
5) Germany - J. Signorile
6) Japan - J. Signorile
7) Italy - J. Caterinicchio
8) United States - "Star Spangled Banner", arranged by J. Caterinicchio and J. Signorile
9) European Anthem - "Ode to Joy" theme from Symphony #9 (4th movement) by L. Van Beethoven.
    a) Original variation - J. Signorile
    b) BoDidely variation - J. Caterinicchio and J. Signorile
    c) Reggae variation - J. Caterinicchio and J. Signorile
    d) Mod variation - J. Caterinicchio and J. Signorile

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