Pixel Dreams Windows 95 Screen Savers
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Before introducing the Windows 95 Screen Savers by Pixel Dreams, here are some
other Windows 95 Screen Savers that are definitely worth downloading!
Third Party Windows 95 ScreenSavers.
Below is the 'readme.txt' file for the Colby College Alumni Screen Saver, just to give you some pointers
before you download and unzip 'The Blue Light' (
Created by James V. Signorile.
Here is the Colby College Alumni Screen Saver !
This download is a .zip file containing the .SCR and .MID files required for 'The Blue Light'.

I must now offer my apologies that at this point, I only have this one original Win95 Screen Saver to offer :-(
Until very recently, I have been exclusively an After Dark Screen Saver programmer, and 'The Blue Light'
is my first, and so far, only completed attempt at breaking into the world of pure Windows 95 Screen Savers.
I am working on some more Window 95 Screen Savers in order to fill out this page and give
you a good selection to choose from. In the meantime, all I can do is ask for your
patience, and suggest, as mentioned above, that you now move forward to my
Third Party Windows 95 Screen Savers page, where there is a more varied selection of Windows 95
Screen Savers available for Download, as well as links to other sites where there are hundreds of great
Savers available.
Please bear with me, enjoy 'The Blue Light' and the 3rd party Windows 95 Screen Savers,
and come back again in the future when I will have a larger selection available for you to Download.
Thank you for your understanding!!! -- Jim Signorile
Pixel Dreams Windows 95 Screen Savers
is created by James V. Signorile,
Home ||
After Dark Screen Savers||
3rd party AfterDark ScreenSavers ||
Windows 95 Screen Savers ||
3rd party Win95 ScreenSavers ||
Screen Savers system requirements ||
Screen Saver Programming ||
Groundhog Heaven ||
The saga of Chew and Chomp ||
Cool Links ||
My Awards ||
Twilight Dreams ||
Music ||
Photographs ||
Songs ||
Java Applets
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